Emo Amenities


Free, wireless Internet services are available for patients and visitors at all three Riverside Hospitals via a partnership with Tbaytel. You will need to re-connect once every 24 hours.

Telephone & TV Service

Telephone and television rental are available for patients and their visitors as a prepaid service. For details or to make arrangements, please contact the Registration Desk at the Emo Health Centre entrance.

Food Services

Located on the west end of the building, next to the Golden Age Manor, the Riverfront Café at the Emo Health Centre is open to the public from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday though Friday. The Café is staffed by a group of Hospital Auxiliary volunteers.

Gift Shop

The Emo Health Centre gift shop is located in the cafeteria and is open weekdays from 10 a.m.-noon.

NOTE: There is no on-site  ATM.