Privacy Information

At Riverside Health Care, we recognize that the health information of our patients deserves to be treated with respect and sensitivity, and our patients' privacy must be protected. Access to your personal health information is available to those who need to know to provide care, including physicians, nurses, technicians, therapists and other health professionals. When it comes to collecting and using your personal health information, we take measures to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the information is protected.

Ontario's Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) mandates the protection of your personal health information, including all information about you kept by any of our Riverside Health Care facilities. We are required to keep your personal health information safe and secure. You have the right to know how we may use and give it out and how you can get access to it.

Based on internationally recognized privacy principles or fair information practices, Riverside's Privacy Policy provides rules for the collection, use, disclosure and retention of health information.

FAQ: Privacy and Health Records

What does Riverside Health Care use my health information for?

Riverside uses your information for the delivery of direct patient care, administration of the health care system, research, teaching, statistics, fundraising and to meet legal and regulatory requirements.

Will the hospital have all my health care information?

Riverside Health Care retains and manages patient records according to government legislation and the corporation by-laws. This means the hospital may only maintain some of your records.

How is my information protected?

There are three components to protecting patient information at RHC:

  1. Administrative Safeguards: Our Privacy Policy governs the manner in which all RHC care providers and other employees manage patient information. Furthermore, all RHC employees must sign a confidentiality agreement as a condition of employment.
  2. Physical Safeguards: We have a number of physical safeguards which range from locked doors to staff photo identification.
  3. Technical Safeguards: Our technical department upgrades the security capabilities of the patient information system on an ongoing basis.

Can I access my health information?

You have the right to access your personal health information, and RHC has an obligation to make it available to you, with limited exceptions. Exceptions are made if releasing your information would put yourself or a third party at risk.


Consent to Disclose Personal Health Information

Request for Access to Personal Health Record

How do I access my health records?

When you are a patient at any of Riverside's facilities, you should ask your healthcare provider for information you want to know. If your request is substantial or not covered by the information available to the attending healthcare provider, you will be referred to Health Records. After leaving RHC, you will need to contact Health Records to obtain or view your patient record. Please allow a reasonable amount of time to locate your record.
With proper identification, you can access your chart. You may access your own personal information but may not access third-party information that may be in your patient chart. If your chart contains third-party information, it may take up to 30 days to have this information removed from your chart so that you may review it.

Can my records be released to another individual?

Although you have the right to access your charts, this does not automatically extend to family members and/or friends. If you consent to let a friend or family member see your chart, then the friend/family member may access the part(s) that you have consented to let them see.

Can I find out who has viewed my chart?

Yes. If you have concerns about unauthorized personnel accessing your information, you can make a request to the Privacy Office or Patient Relations to view all accesses to your RHC patient chart. The RHC Corporate Office will provide this information to you in a timely manner. If you have further concerns upon receipt of your audit report, you may make a formal complaint.

Do I need parental consent if I am a youth?

Yes. If you want your records released and you are not at least 16 years old, you must have a parent or legal guardian submit the request on your behalf. To obtain records for individuals who are deceased or incapable of signing a consent, proof of executorship or legal signing authority must be submitted with the request.

How do I request birth information?

If you are looking for your birth information (e.g. proof of birth, time of birth) please submit a written request that includes your mother’s full name at the time of your birth.

Does it cost me anything to request medical information?

There is no charge for access, but there is a processing fee associated with requesting a photocopy of the chart.


Privacy Officer: (807) 274-3261 ext 4689 or privacy.officer@rhcf.on.ca

Health records: (807) 274-4809


Consent to Disclose Personal Health Information

Request for Access to Personal Health Record