
Gastrointestinal Outbreak Declared at Emo Health Centre

January 04, 2025

Riverside Health Care, in conjunction with the Northwestern Health Unit, has declared a Gastrointestinal Outbreak at Emo Health Centre.

Enhanced visitor restrictions are in place that permit two (2) visitors or caregivers at a time, per resident. In addition, visitations must take place in the residents’ rooms, not in common areas.

There are restrictions on admissions, transfers, discharges, and social activities until further notice.

Riverside urges all visitors to conduct self-screening before entering the facility and kindly ask to not visit if they are experiencing any symptoms.

We continue to urge everyone to be diligent in practicing appropriate hand hygiene and infection prevention and control practices when visiting our facilities at any time.

The Outbreak Management Team will continue to monitor the situation. The care and safety of our residents, team members and families are the top priority.

We thank everyone for their understanding and continued support.

Henry Gauthier
President & Chief Executive Officer
Riverside Health Care

Diana Harris
Chief Nursing Executive
Riverside Health Care